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6 Exercises That Are Wasting Your Time

6 Exercises That Are Wasting Your Time

The Stationary-Bike Warm-Up

¡Tienes that entrar in calor, pero ese día durante cinco minutos en una bicicleta estacionaria típica y no va a hacer probablemente mucho, Dean Maddalone, CSCS, director of profesional dijo que el centro deportivo desempeño one en Nueva York. Su calentamiento debe su ritmo obtener por lo menos has cardíaco 60 65 ciento por su frecuencia cardiaca máxima (más o objetivo 120). Esto aumentará el grado del cuerpo de la temperatura y obtener la sangre y los músculos nutrients that you prepared para para su entrenamiento, dijo. "If no aumenta el ritmo y cardiac romper has sudar, pierdes you tiempo", dijo.
Mejores movimientos: es mucho mejor de calentamiento as a tiempo cuerpo ejerce rápido (Y bajo!). Trate 30 somersaults, sentadillas del cuerpo 0.15 30 climbers, o 10-15 Burpees, recomienda Maddalone. Nuestros corazones y los de sólo bombardeos pensarlo.

Machine Leg Presses

Maddaloni said the plane becomes a multi-leg press machine (squat) exercise in the exercise of one plane. Translation: the legs can only move in one direction, up and down, side to side, and forward and backward, and the nature of purpose. Your muscles stabilizers taken out of the equation, you get only a fraction of the benefits of muscle burns calories building.
Best moves: "Squats are probably one of the best multi-joint exercises," says Maddalone. "The development not only on the legs, but also helps in the overall stability of the trunk development." Squats start the body and then progress to the Cup squat with iron or kettlebell chest to increase the resistance, he says. To get the most out of this process, be sure to cut the stem to the bone of the thigh parallel to the ground and keep your weight on your heels.

Kettlebell Swings

It is one of the most common are kettlebell workouts, but kettlebell swings on the swing in the kettlebell between your legs and even then in front of you, or even to use the head of his long drive, he says, a certified personal trainer John Rowley, welfare director at the International Sports Sciences Association. More drive you use, the less muscle you use and the size.

Best moves: Most people do not swing the kettlebell in an attempt to tone legs and front deltoids, says Rowley. If this is you, and you decide to work your legs with squats and lunges or work with the front deltoids cause a slow and controlled by the front weights.

Weighted Side Bends

When it comes to work on the oblique, many women lead this: They stand tall, holding a dumbbell in one hand and crunch to it again and again. Although they are working on the external obliques, creaking like this, especially with heavy weights will cause the muscles more visible and dare we say, and the largest, according to the group fitness trainer Los Burke certificate. If you are competing to take a look chiseled athlete, that's great, but if you want to make the Mediterranean look smaller, and this is counter-productive. In addition, these bends side does not do much for the internal obliques or the rest of your core, which is necessary for the performance of sports, she says.

Hip Adduction

Did you know that the device that makes you feel like you're sitting in the stirrups in the doctor gynecologist? Yes, you do not need. "Sit down to do this exercise, you actually hurt the ability to achieve maximum results," says Rowley. "The gluteal muscles have more difficulty activating while you are in a sitting position, and a variety of muscle work here, when you can use a different process."

Machine Leg Extensions

These can strengthen the thigh muscles, but that's all, a doctor of physical therapy and strength and conditioning specialist Sean M. Wells, DPT, PT, CSCS, fitness expert from BistroMD says. "The isolated movements such as this offer very little clouds of daily performance and athletic performance," he says. "Moreover, inefficient using multiple muscle groups to burn the maximum calories needed for weight loss and overall health."
6 Exercises That Are Wasting Your Time 6 Exercises That Are Wasting Your Time Reviewed by Unknown on October 20, 2015 Rating: 5

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