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12 Simple Lifestyle Changes to Lose Weight

You can lose a few pounds by making small changes in your eating habits, and changes in your daily routine, and to support these changes and emotional healing to prevent emotional eating.

1. Keep food diary: write down the amount of food eaten, and this will help you watch your portions.

2. The practice during commercial breaks: Use commercial breaks as an opportunity to exercise during your favorite shows. Whether dancing to work at the site, and squat, and get your heart rate and you can burn an extra 270 calories per day.

3. eliminate these fat foods: cookies, candy, ice cream, chips and fries. Start by cutting once a week, until the Atlas consume only one or two a week. Replace these foods are high in calories from fat / with healthier options like fruits and vegetables.

4. at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day: 30 minutes of physical activity per day should burn about 120 extra calories per day, or 12.5 pounds per year of aid.

5. Take the stairs: Try taking the stairs to the elevator. Take 2-3 flights of stairs a day, and you can burn enough calories to eliminate the average annual US 1-2 pounds overweight every year. Start with a small number of daily flights.

6. start using the pedometer: When you start to measure the number of steps you take, you tend to walk more. Research shows that people who use pedometers tend to take more than 2500 measurements per day is around 100 calories. More than a year and that is enough to burn £ 10.

7. Do not use the car only when the trip was over 1 mile: burn calories instead of gas. Walk briskly while running errands or getting less than 1 mile away. Nothing more, you can drive.

8. Do not drink eat fruit, such as eating fruit gives you more fiber drink. In addition, you full longer. Chewing also creates saliva that tells the brain that the gut needs to prepare for digestion.

9. dream: the dream before, and you will see weight loss in a week.

10. Use smaller plates: less space to fill the food, so it will be smaller portions, and therefore absorb less.

11. Eat slowly to give a chance to feel full and eat more slowly your body. It also means that you eat more slowly, which means that the food is already breaking even before they reach your gut so it is easier for the body to digest chewing.

12. skip the soda and juice: juice and soda are empty calories they mean. Instead of taking the juice, and drink water to help reduce the empty calories

Some quick additional tips
Skip the elevator at work, and always take the stairs.
Parking on the extent to shop or office you can.
Do not call your colleagues. Instead, walk to your office if you need to talk.
If you use public transportation, get off one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way.
Take your dog for a walk.
If you have a stationary bike or treadmill you use, transferred from the dark corner and put it directly into your living room, perhaps in front of the television. On foot or by bike on all your favorite shows.
Use a kitchen timer to work and make sure that happens every 60 minutes. When they do, get up and walk for three minutes in the office. In this way, you can walk an extra 24 minutes each day.
12 Simple Lifestyle Changes to Lose Weight 12 Simple Lifestyle Changes to Lose Weight Reviewed by Unknown on October 14, 2015 Rating: 5

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